Personal, quality care .

Our job is to make sure you are back doing what you love to do with less pain and more motion as soon as possible.

Following a detailed and individualized evaluation, each client is provided with a program developed from a variety of holistic treatment approaches that may include:

Exercise Therapy

Resisted movements and stretches aimed at strengthening and improving function of muscles and joints.


Graded movements applied to spinal and peripheral joints to improve mobility and ease pain.


Such as ultrasound, laser, TENS and muscle stimulation aimed at reducing inflammation, alleviating pain and encouraging the healing process.

CranioSacral Therapy

Gentle light touch therapy aimed at enhancing the body's own healing process and thus, coping with chronic pain.


Insertion of fine gauge needles through skin and tissue at specific body points to stimulate the release of the of the body's own pain relieving chemicals - "endorphins".

Based on the injury or aliment, our team will set-up follow-up appointments to achieve your therapy goals.